8 Places Goddess Laxmi Likes to Reside

By: Debosmita Ghosh, Times Now Digital
Jun 12, 2023


Goddess Lakshmi is believed to be seated on the Lotus flower. The flower which is considered to be the king among flowers is associated with wealth. Goddess Lakshmi too is a symbol of prosperity.

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A lamp is lit before we worship any god or goddess. It is believed that the lamp brings light to the lives of people. Similarly, Goddess Lakshmi brings light and prosperity to the lives of people and therefore, it is believed that Goddess Lakshmi resides on the lamp.

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Goddess Lakshmi is believed to reside in sandalwood. There are several ways of serving sandalwood to gods and goddesses. Sandalwood paste is considered to be very auspicious and therefore, it is made as an offering during every auspicious event.

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The conch is very auspicious and so is its sound. It is central to worshipping all deities in India. Goddess Lakshmi is believed to reside in the conch.

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Smoke from the Sacrificial Fire

The sacrificial fire is considered to be auspicious and it can protect you. Therefore, it is believed that one should do yagna at their home during any auspicious puja.

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Your Palm

Your palms are a representation of power and strength. Therefore, it is said that Goddess Lakshmi resides on our palms.

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Elephant’s Forehead

Goddess Lakshmi is believed to reside on the forehead of the elephant.

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Thamboolam is a combination of betel leaves and betel nuts which are offered to gods and goddesses when worshipping them. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi resides in Thamboolam.

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