Rusk With Tea: Ditch This Unhealthy Snack Loaded With Sugar And Carbs At Any Cost; Know Why

Rusk is loaded with carbohydrates and when paired with milk tea it adds to the calorie count, increases the triglyceride levels, and disrupts metabolic health. This leads to obesity and the risk of cardiac ailments. Read on to know why you should ditch the unhealthy rusk and switch to healthier tea-time snacks that offer more flavour and nutrition.

Updated Jun 14, 2023 | 08:34 AM IST

Rusks are a dehydrated, sugar-loaded, trans fats and additives-filled version of bread that gradually impact metabolic health

New Delhi: Tea-time snacks in India are as much a tradition as they are a rage, as most families plan out their menus much in advance. And for those who don't, simple pairings like biscuits and rusks are good enough. However, these crunchy, delicious rusks, believed to be healthier and low in calories hurt your health.
According to health experts, most people do not consume bread, believing it is unhealthy, made with refined flour, and oil.
However, what they do not know is that rusks are a dehydrated, sugar-loaded, trans fats and additives-filled version of bread that gradually impact metabolic health.

How does rusk affect your health?

Rusks are made the same way bread is – by baking the dough, slicing, and then baking it again until they turn golden crispy.
This process of baking twice makes the rusk dry and crunchy, allowing it to have a longer shelf life. Also, to attract more customers, companies add flavours to the snacks, adding sugar, milk, eggs, and other artificial preservatives that enhance their texture and taste.

Cause inflammation of the gut

Doctors say frequent consumption of rusk not only leads to unstable glucose levels but also systemic inflammation that promotes the growth of bad bacteria in the gut causing frequent infections, lowering of immunity, and indigestion.

Are loaded with empty calories

Also, in terms of nutritional value, rusks offer nothing. Being dense in calories causes weight gain, as one single rusk can contain up to 40-60 calories, and with tea, you would not be able to realize how many you eat.

Are high on carbs

Since rusks are made with refined flour, the snack is packed with carbohydrates that can lead to immediate blood sugar spikes, making you feel slow and inactive. They do not have any dietary fibre and should be an absolute no for a type-2 diabetes patient.

No protein

Since there is not much nutritional value in rusks, they lack proteins, which your body needs first thing in the morning for a satiated and fully energized day. Proteins not only keep you full for a longer time but also help build muscles and keep blood sugar levels stablised.

Loaded with sugar and gluten

Bakery products are always rich in a large amount of white sugar, which makes them more flavourful. However, too much consumption is dangerous for health as it impacts insulin levels and weight. Also, a high gluten content in rusks can cause several digestion issues increasing discomfort and causing bloating, pain, and diarrhoea.

Healthier alternatives to Rusk

Instead of rusks, reach out for better tea-friendly snacks like:
  • A handful of nuts such as roasted almonds, walnuts, or pistachios are not just delicious, but also high in nutrition and loaded with healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.
  • Roasted makhanas are another light and crunchy alternative to rusks as they are super low in calories, high in fibre, and rich in magnesium and potassium.
  • Roasted chana is a protein-filled alternative to rusks that are the best time-time crunchy snack option
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.
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